Actor Anushka Sharma and her husband, cricket icon Virat Kohli, recently shared a heartwarming glimpse of their fun-filled day in Australia, giving fans a peek into their personal lives. Currently in Brisbane for the third Test of the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy series against Australia, the power couple made time for a delightful outing with their children, Akaay and Vamika. Their visit to Bluey’s World, a beloved family destination known for its charm and activities, turned out to be an experience filled with joy and laughter.
“Best Day Ever” Moments
Anushka Sharma took to social media to share moments from their outing. One of her posts featured a picture of her simple yet satisfying meal of a sandwich and french fries. She captioned it, “Best day ever 💙.” Her joy was further evident in a selfie she shared, where she and Virat flashed radiant smiles, exuding happiness and warmth.
For the casual outing, Anushka wore a simple white outfit with a cute ear-shaped headband, giving her look a fun twist. Virat Kohli dressed comfortably in a blue T-shirt, jeans, and a red cap. Anushka humorously captioned their photo, “Bandit and chilli 💙.” As usual, she didn’t post pictures of their kids, respecting their privacy.
Celebrating Love and Milestones
The couple, who recently celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary, were also seen by fans strolling around Brisbane. A widely circulated photo captured the pair standing side by side, presumably outside their hotel, dressed in relaxed attire and enjoying each other’s company. Their enduring bond and mutual support continue to inspire millions of their followers.
Professional Fronts
Anushka Sharma is currently preparing for the release of her much-anticipated sports drama, “Chakda Xpress.” In the film, she portrays the role of legendary Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami, marking her return to the screen after a significant hiatus. The film promises an empowering narrative and showcases Anushka’s dedication to the role.
Meanwhile, Virat Kohli is set to play a crucial role in the third Test of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, which is scheduled to begin on December 14 at the Brisbane Cricket Ground. His form and performance remain vital for the Indian team as they aim to clinch the series on Australian soil.
A Power Couple Balancing Life and Careers
Anushka and Virat Kohli exemplify the perfect balance of family life and professional commitments. Their ability to share joyful, everyday moments while staying focused on their respective careers continues to make them one of the most admired celebrity couples. Their recent outing in Brisbane was a testament to their love for each other and their family, even amidst hectic schedules.
As Anushka eagerly awaits her film’s release and Virat Kohli gears up for the next match, their fans eagerly watch and cheer them on — both in their professional pursuits and heartwarming personal moments.