The relationship between Indian cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal and actor-choreographer Dhanashree Verma is under intense scrutiny following their decision to unfollow each other on Instagram. This development, coupled with the deletion of all their pictures together, including those from their engagement and marriage, has reignited rumors of an impending divorce.
A History of Speculation
Speculation about trouble in their relationship began in 2023 when Dhanashree removed “Chahal” from her name on Instagram. At the same time, Chahal posted a cryptic Instagram story saying, “New life loading,” which sparked conversations about the status of their marriage.
Link to Shreyas Iyer
Adding to the speculation, Dhanashree still follows fellow cricketer Shreyas Iyer on Instagram. Their past collaboration on a viral dance video in 2021 sparked rumors of a possible connection, which fans have now revisited amidst the divorce chatter.
No Official Confirmation
Despite the social media moves and growing speculation, neither Chahal nor Dhanashree has issued a public statement confirming or denying the divorce rumors. For now, fans and followers are left to interpret the clues from their digital footprints.
As the story unfolds, the silence from both parties continues to fuel curiosity and debate among fans and media alike.