Hanuma Vihari Meets Pawan Kalyan, Lokesh; Returns to Andhra Cricket

Cricketer Hanuma Vihari, who was removed as captain and said he wouldn’t play for Andhra again, met Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan and IT Minister Nara Lokesh on June 25 (Tuesday).

Hanuma Vihari Meets Pawan Kalyan, Lokesh

During the meeting, Mr. Pawan Kalyan discussed the challenges faced by Vihari and delved into the cricketer’s career trajectory. The discussions highlighted the political pressures and humiliations Vihari endured, leading to his departure from Andhra cricket.

Mr. Lokesh took the opportunity to extend an invitation to Vihari to return to Andhra Pradesh cricket. In response, the 30-year-old cricketer accepted the invitation, stating, “It’s good to be back in Andhra cricket.”

Reflecting on the meeting, Mr. Lokesh shared his thoughts: “I was delighted to meet Indian cricketer Hanuma Vihari today. It was shameful how the previous government bullied him politically, humiliated him, and drove him out of Andhra Cricket. I have invited him back to Andhra Pradesh and asked him to make Telugu proud again. He will have our full support.”

Furthermore, the State government has committed to ensuring justice for Vihari, signaling a new chapter in the cricketer’s career and a renewed focus on promoting local talent in Andhra Pradesh.

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