Star Indian batter Suryakumar Yadav playfully teased his teammate Arshdeep Singh after the latter shared humorous poses with his family members while celebrating India’s 2024 T20 World Cup victory. Arshdeep, a key player in India’s successful campaign, emerged as the joint-highest wicket-taker alongside Fazalhaq Farooqi, both claiming 17 wickets in eight matches.
While Fazal’s Afghanistan team bowed out in the semi-finals, Arshdeep’s crucial spell of 4-0-20-2 in the final against South Africa helped secure the trophy for India. Following the triumph in Barbados, Arshdeep celebrated on-field with his family, who proudly adorned his winning medal and posed for photographs.
Suryakumar Yadav Teases Arshdeep Singh on Instagram
Suryakumar Yadav, known for his jovial nature, spotted Arshdeep’s playful poses and took to social media to humorously comment, “Paaaji ab aapki fatigue maaaf hai 😂💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️” (Translation: “Paaaji, now your fatigue is forgiven 😂💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”), acknowledging Arshdeep’s lighthearted celebrations amidst the jubilation.
The camaraderie between teammates adds to the spirit of India’s triumph, highlighting their unity and joyous moments shared beyond the cricket field.